viernes, 5 de diciembre de 2014

Rite of flying

The rite of flying is a native Mesoamerican religious manifestation. Its origins date back to the Middle Preclassic Mesoamerican period, found representations of this ritual in the funeral ceramics of the cultures of the West (Colima, Jalisco and Nayarit). He then moved to other towns, most likely related to the gladiatorial sacrifice and fertility cults. Survives today among the Nahua and Totonac of the Sierra Norte de Puebla and Veracruz Totonacapan.

In 2009 he was declared Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO.

A small wooden base, a cross, a pin (also called apple) that will unite and enable rotation, and an attached ladder: In celebration accompanied by dances and music a trunk or "flying stick" where several parts fit is used to the post. At the ends of the cross ropes holding the flying dancers symbolizing the cardinal directions, north, south, east and west, the foreman that represents the center stand.


jueves, 4 de diciembre de 2014

Sacred Mayan Journey

Sacred Mayan Journey, Riviera Maya: The Mayan land preserves an ancient tradition where the crossing is shown in rafts Xcaret to Cozumel to worship the goddess Ix Chel; for this we must be prepared physically and spiritually.


miércoles, 3 de diciembre de 2014


The Posadas are one of the most popular Mexican traditions. It is full of holiday games and songs where the breakdown of traditional piñatas stands. Are held from 16 to 24 December, with Christmas Eve, under which culminates in the December holidays season.

Las Posadas last nine days; begin on December 16 and terminal 24 of the same month on the eve of Christmas. These celebrations allude to the pilgrimage of St. Joseph and the Virgin Mary in search of an inn to rest.

Traditionally, party hosts take the role of innkeepers as guests, with lit candles, make the request inn at the entrance of the house singing to music verses, which are answered in the same way by the hosts, until the latter opens the door to start the party.

An essential element in Posadas are the piñatas. For craftsmanship are used for different designs and materials, but the most traditional piñata is one that represents a star, of which seven peaks or light rays symbolize the seven deadly sins are released.


martes, 2 de diciembre de 2014

Burning Panzón

 San Pedro Cholula is known for its ancient traditions, and "The burning of panzon" is one of them.

This tradition has to do with what was done in the pyramid in terms of sacrifice. Today that sacrifice is something comical, is no longer a person, is a doll which has caractesticas ranging according to the butler.

For example the steward this year (2014) has shoemaker and the doll had stuff or characteristics of a shoemaker: the panzon this fruit filling which leaves an opening which represents the heart and us to eat us that apple, we carry out the sacrifice!

This tradition every year is carried out by the Santa María Xixitla.


lunes, 1 de diciembre de 2014

New Year's Rituals in Mexico

 There are an endless number of rituals, perhaps one for every Mexican family, and they’re passed on from generation to generation. 
Some rituals have religious backgrounds, like praying the rosary, attending mass before 12o’clock and lighting candles, but most have more to do with luck and good fortune.

Here are some of the most common:

According to tradition, before the end-of-the-year dinner, thoroughly cleaning the house is recommended  to get rid of bad vibes and to attract better things. 
Making wish list is part of the year-end ritual; write them down and have them on hand for the rest of the year. 
When evening comes,  it’s customary to turn on each of the house lights so that, according to custom, prosperity and success radiate throughout the year. 
Preparing and decorating the table for dinner is also a ritual-filled process. The dinner is plentiful, with a great variety of flavors: sweet, strong, spicy and  sour...  and of course;beverages: both with and without alcohol. 

At the stroke of 12 midnight, it’s customary to ring a bell and ring it loudly. No home should be without this item for it symbolizes the home’s joy and happiness. 
While the bells are sounding,  everyone eats 12 grapes -- symbolizing the wishes for each month of the New Year. 
Immediately afterwards come the hugs and kisses session with relatives and friends, which represents  love and companionship for each other and for their loved ones. 
When a couple person receives hugs and kisses; they are assured that the year will be full of romance. 
Finally, a toast is made with sparkling wine because its bubbles represent the spark ofhappiness that you want to have all year long.


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