miércoles, 8 de octubre de 2014

Sign language for babies and children

Benefit: Reduces the frustration 

It is not difficult to teach your baby to communicate through gestures, but do need to have patience. And while your little only a few signs like "drink" (pointing thumb mouth), will soon notice the difference, as discovered mom Emma Finlay-Smith is learned: "The first sign we tried when Isabella was 11 months was that of 'drink.' at first I thought we were not paying attention, but after about one week, she sat playing with his toys when he looked at me and made me the sign. thought you said 'hello' then my husband realized that we were doing the sign for 'drink.' it was like when he took his first steps, he was as excited as us! as he learned more words, his frustration level decreased a lot. "

Benefit: Bring out your bond with your baby 

Mason's mother Sharon said to communicate by signs creates a special bond between her and her son Morgan, 16 months. "Morgan has a vocabulary of about 30 words and is starting to put together a sign comes over and tells me if the dog asleep (pointing down the first two fingers of both hands) or if you hear the sound of a plane (making the move to fly by hand). I love to know what you think. I also love to talk even if across the room. the other day in his play group noticed that it was getting a little anxious. Como could not easily get to where he was, he did from afar the sign for 'i love you' (hugging myself and looking at him). "


Non-Verbal Communication

Excellent example of nonverbal communication in the video you can see the birds in situations like marking territory, personal space, emotions, gestures.


martes, 7 de octubre de 2014

Methods of communication


lunes, 6 de octubre de 2014

Types of communication


viernes, 3 de octubre de 2014

Elements of communication: verbal and nonverbal

For communication with the user is as smooth as possible we must consider a number of components of communication. When we talk about components of the communication process, we refer to three types:

Verbal components: refer to the content of the conversation, which is the tool that people generally use to relate to others. Expressions we use rules that we consider, etc. (as we have seen).

Paralinguistic components: aspects such as tone of voice, fluency and rate of speech, which modulate the content of what we say.

Nonverbal components: variables such as facial expression, gaze, gestures, interpersonal communication distance ... are in themselves, yet change and / or qualify the content of a message.

Verbal communication would be ineffective and even meaningless if not accompanied by a series of non-verbal "cues" such as gaze, facial expression, interpersonal distance, tone of voice, etc ... 
These signals can not be hidden and are very hard to fake for people. 
Given a communication in which a mixed message between verbal and nonverbal messages occur, users will keep the meaning of nonverbal. 
Then we will see some of the most common issuers regarding nonverbal communication, and the meaning of some of them.

  1. The look 
  2. Facial Expression 
  3. Posture 
  4. Hands 
  5. Distance / Proximity


jueves, 2 de octubre de 2014

The 5 rules for good communication

Listen: Most people talk too much. Our goal must be that others speak when it suits us and then listen.

Question: When we asked get ... A) Make sure that we have understood. B) Ask to speak to others, for this we use open questions. Eg an open question is: when you work ?, could ask this question directly in closed form, but we would not provide information. Tomorrow you go to work? (is closed because the answer is yes or no).

Do not try to dominate our conversation: This may create insurmountable barriers to good communication. Too much jargon (specific words) or too many personal opinions, provoke emotional reactions that are generally unfavorable. The volunteer must conform, as far as possible the features and users' knowledge.

Look for signs: we must be alert to capture the responses and reactions of others. What they say, how they say it, body language, can give vital clues to their understanding and interest in our message.

Promote two-way communication: This is essential. The communication flows in one direction, it is bad. Listen, ask questions, talk to others and look for signs help establish good two-way communication.


miércoles, 1 de octubre de 2014


 In this episode of Crash Course Psychology, Hank talks to us and tries to make meaning out of how our brains do this thing called Language.


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