Sign language for babies and children
Benefit: Reduces the frustration
It is not difficult to teach your baby to communicate through gestures, but do need to have patience. And while your little only a few signs like "drink" (pointing thumb mouth), will soon notice the difference, as discovered mom Emma Finlay-Smith is learned: "The first sign we tried when Isabella was 11 months was that of 'drink.' at first I thought we were not paying attention, but after about one week, she sat playing with his toys when he looked at me and made me the sign. thought you said 'hello' then my husband realized that we were doing the sign for 'drink.' it was like when he took his first steps, he was as excited as us! as he learned more words, his frustration level decreased a lot. "
Benefit: Bring out your bond with your baby
Mason's mother Sharon said to communicate by signs creates a special bond between her and her son Morgan, 16 months. "Morgan has a vocabulary of about 30 words and is starting to put together a sign comes over and tells me if the dog asleep (pointing down the first two fingers of both hands) or if you hear the sound of a plane (making the move to fly by hand). I love to know what you think. I also love to talk even if across the room. the other day in his play group noticed that it was getting a little anxious. Como could not easily get to where he was, he did from afar the sign for 'i love you' (hugging myself and looking at him). "