martes, 30 de septiembre de 2014

Acquisition and development of communication and language

The big difference between humans and other animal species is the ability to use symbols: man is the only one able to produce and use symbols. And that ability is not related exclusively to the much more complex neurodevelopment in humans but also in social interaction, which has resulted in humans can develop a cultural environment, which will turn in their usual environment.

Any culture depends symbol system established to maintain communication between individuals who are part of the same; form the basis for the transmission of knowledge. In short, without the symbol there would be culture.

The primary relationship between the human capacity for symbolization and language development within the process of humanization, is derived from the fact that articulated speech is the most important form of symbolic expression, although it is not the only one to use being human, as Gallardo and Gallego (1995) note.


lunes, 29 de septiembre de 2014

Communication and Language

Human communication and language, as part of it, is a phenomenon of enormous complexity, tai as seen when we consider the various disciplines who are responsible for their study and analysis, such as Anatomy, Physiology, Neurology, Psycholinguistics, Philology, Psychology, Speech Therapy, etc. 

Moreover, within these disciplines may also encounter very different theoretical perspectives and practices. 
A different perspective on language and its relation to human cognitive development Vygotsky offers us. For him the primary function of language is communication, social exchange, constituting a regulatory instrument and controller communicative exchanges. Although the author emphasizes communication as the main function of language also points to another set of basic functions. Thus, from the social interaction and language humans develop higher mental functions; in the first instance so interpsychological, later, after due process of reflection, a form intrapsychological, settling and deepening the development of these functions. All this explains from his famous "Law of the double formation of higher psychological processes."


viernes, 26 de septiembre de 2014

Body language and more

Communication skills training video. Effective communication skills training videos brought to you by Dan O'Connor. Learn English listening skills, business communication skills, how to read body language, body language techniques, English communication skills for the telephone, how to deal with difficult people at work, how to manage horrible bosses, power phrases for work, danger phrases for work, body language secrets, professional telephone skills, job interview skills, English customer service skills, how to avoid giving terrible customer service, customer service training and more. Our online communication skills training classes, communication training workshops, and communication skills training webinars can be enjoyed live or online anywhere in the world.


jueves, 25 de septiembre de 2014

Evolution of communications

Our human development has had starring communication with it has been possible to send messages all allowing each other is puediesen understand, this is easy to understand today, however it was not in the old days where it was only possible to communicate with voice, gestures or some kind of señas.Sin But man always has managed to solve this situation and this is where the technology has entered a protagonist to make things easier as we will see were smoke signals, drawing on the caves were the first strategies, then it was necessary to leave more permanent posts and needed some kind of code and writing at the beginning was pictographic symbols representing objects born, was cuneiform script, ie traits as wedge recorded with certain style in a clay tablet. Subsequently ideographic elements, where the symbol represented not only the object but also ideas and qualities associated with it were developed.

However, the script still maintaining the meaning, but not the sound of the words. Later joined cuneiform phonetic elements, ie, signs representing certain sounds.


miércoles, 24 de septiembre de 2014

Language & Culture

 An inspirational look at how language and culture transcend boundaries of individual perception and understanding. Three people share their stories of travel and cultural discovery through language. Traveling abroad is a humbling experience, one they value and chose to share with the rest of the world.


martes, 23 de septiembre de 2014

The language

Language is the medium of communication between humans through oral and written signs that have meaning. In a broader sense, is any procedure which is used to communicate. 

It is estimated that there are over 6,000 languages ​​in the world. Oceania is the continent's most linguistically diverse and there are many aboriginal groups who defend their native tongue. In other regions, however, a dominant language has been imposed on the rest. That is the case, for example, the United States, where English led to the demise of the languages ​​of the majority of native people.

characterized by:

- Two grammatical systems: oral and gestural 

- Has a goal 

- Speech can speak of other times: past, present or future 

- It is transmitted from generation to generation 

- Separate the content and form 

- The spoken discourse, it is interchangeable with what you hear 

- Warns new events


lunes, 22 de septiembre de 2014

Language and Communication

Language is the system through which humans or animals communicate ideas and feelings, whether through speech, writing or other conventional signs, and can use all the senses to communicate. Linguistics is the name of the science devoted to the study of language, and phylogeny is responsible for studying the historical development of a language.

The concept of language can be treated as a resource that enables communication. For humans, this tool is highly developed and is much more advanced than in other animal species, and that this is a process of physiological and psychological roots. Language, as many of you know, gives you the ability to select the man, quote, coordinate and combine concepts of varying complexity.

A separation technique can recognize three dimensions within language: shape (includes phonology, morphology and syntax), content (semantics) and use (pragmatics). Language consists of the language (the language, a general model and constant for those who make a given linguistic community).

And not forgetting that there are also other important types of language as would be the case, for example, sign language. This, also known as sign language, which is used to communicate with people with disabilities either auditory or vocal. The use of the hands, body language and gestures are the base.


Second Unit

Hello, this unit i will speak about language and communication.


lunes, 15 de septiembre de 2014

First unit completed

This first unit was on globalization in its different areas, hope you have found interesting topics that I select and thanks for reading my blog. 


Economic globalization

Economic globalization is the creation of a global market in which all tariff barriers are removed to allow free movement of capital: financial, commercial and productive.

Financial capital is money, loans and international loans and foreign investment. Its characteristic is that it has a role and thanks to technology can move from one place to another quickly.

The productive capital, constitute the money invested in raw materials, capital goods (machinery, tools, buildings, land, vehicles, etc.) and labor.

The commercial capital, goods and services are finally being bought and sold on the international market. In the international market, leading vendors are multinational companies such as: Shell, Coca Cola, Sony, IBM, Unilever, Phelps Dodge, etc. Buyers are the populations of each country and there are many sellers of their labor, these are what make up the workforce, and they sell their labor in exchange for wages.

Globalization then, would be like the stage of completion of the historical process of capitalist expansion, with two objectives: the free movement of capital and the creation of a single world market.


viernes, 12 de septiembre de 2014

Globalization came through the kitchen

This is an interesting article where he talks a little about the history of food in America and globalization.

It is difficult to say that the food were the first to globalize trade in the ancient world, and certainly were not alone. What we do know is that since before the Phoenicians crossed the Mediterranean ferrying goods to trade; or nourish the Romans with the wealth of Egyptian wheat, primitive man used food as the first elements of barter.

All helped globalize a world that for many centuries assumed, wrongly, that was composed of watertight compartments.

While we send to Europeans, among other things, corn, potatoes, sweet potatoes, cocoa, tomato, to brighten the pots, the fact remains that they planted rice in what is now Panama in the century XVI and XVII took him to South Carolina in North America. Soon Caribbean diet of rice and beans is adopted, a perfect match from the nutritional point of view. Then came a sort of explosion of consumption with the arrival in the United States of Chinese and Japanese immigrants. Again, this country became one of the leading world producers.


jueves, 11 de septiembre de 2014

The family face of globalization

It is becoming more common to hear talk of globalization, everyone discusses, mentions and is immersed in it, but How's the family? What is your role in this era of globalization? The word globalization was coined to describe a current reality in which all peoples, nations, cultures and religions between cross, lie at the same time, economic and sociological situations become universal, ie common to all. 

 The phenomenon of globalization is not new, it is a product of the historical evolution of the world and its inhabitants. Globalization is a social phenomenon that expresses a uniform accelerated trend cultures, rights, politics, economics, communications ... People are increasingly close to each other, not only physically (as the travel time is shortened) but also now the information arrives in real time and immediate communication between people from different continents is established; seems that there was already limits, boundaries seem to disappear. 

 Under these circumstances, families worry more and more to integrate into the globalization of the best way to reduce (digital, economic, cultural ...) gap, it seeks to be fashionable and have the latest technology, not left behind and also not to feel excluded. 

But all this explosion and desire to have things and receive what globalization primarily through the media is presenting, often means that families forget something essential: Learning to use what globalization offers. 


miércoles, 10 de septiembre de 2014

Advantages and Disadvantages of Globalization

These videos is for complete the activity we did today.


martes, 9 de septiembre de 2014

Globalization in education

Educational Video of the impacts of globalization in education, advantages, disadvantages and the generation of new societies in the globalized world.

Speaks some new technologies that exist in education, ways to assess and what drives globalization in areas such as political, cultural, educational, social and more.

After watching the video what is your opinion about the advantages that gives globalization to further develop education. Do you agree with the opinion of the teacher?


lunes, 8 de septiembre de 2014

globalization on culture

Today the technological breakthroughs and economic acceleration and great speed in the transmission in the media have largely succeeded in bringing down the border barriers to make way for large markets to Expand big corporations and generating a acceleration between trade between different nations. It is to criticize the extent to which this economic sense and to what extent acceleration tends to affect the culture of a nation or a people.

Within this cultural phenomenon has had a new access to consumerism such example; is to consume music, customs, clothing, practiced in the globalizing countries as well as the cultural consumerism which is to travel different countries and extract various goods that exist in the cultural field. 

Globalization is different from the way it influences local cultures as well as how this is affected by the local culture, because the processes occur with different rates in each of the countries.

Globalization is a process that arises from two mutually related historical developments one is the advancement in communications technology, information and transportation.



Emma Larsson de 19 años recién egresada de la carrera en Química Cientica. Inteligente, bonita, natural e ingenua. Su madre murió cuando tenía 10 años, ahora vive con su padre Richard en su casa familiar, su relación aunque es buena a veces le falta la confianza para hablar con el sobré su vida personal. Tiene novio, Adam, en este momento su relación es inestable debido a la infidelidad de el. Más adelante conocerá a Ben y se enamorarán.

Adam de ya 20 años egresado en Legislación y conocimientos en combate (pertenece a la tropa de elite en Andromeda). Guapo, inteligente, varonil, listo, a veces tiene buen corazón. Sus padres fueron asesinados durante un viaje de negocios y a partir de ahí cerro su corazón, llego a vivir a la casa de Richard, siendo su padrino le dio un nuevo hogar y aunque Emma era parte de su nueva familia pronto se enamoraron y comenzaron una relación (a los 16). Tiene una excelente relación con Richard, a quién admira, quiere y confía como un padre. Le fue infiel a Emma con alguien de Andromeda, aunque se arrepiente seguirá con esa relación, y poco a poco irá perdiendo a Emma. 

Ben de casi 20 años no estudio en ninguna universidad, sus únicos estudios son en lucha, combate, armas y destreza, las cuales las fue adquiriendo después de años de practicar y entrenar en diversos lugares. Es fuerte, listo, inteligente, guapo, galán, algo mujeriego. Tiene una hermana mayor, sus padres murieron durante un saqueo en la ciudad en donde vivían, mandado por Krum, después decidió que ayudaría a las personas que no se pueden defender y se dedicaría al combate. Su hermana y su sobrino lo son todo para el. Llega a Andromeda después de una pelea con tropas de Krum, queda mal herido y se lo  llevan a Andromeda y Emma lo atiende y surge una química instantánea, al principio tenía planeado irse de Andromeda, ya que le gusta ser libre y no pertenecer a ningún lugar pero al conocer mejor a Emma decide quedarse por ella y más adelante se enamorara de ella. 

Richard padre de Emma y es el jefe de Andromeda.
Krum villano, odia a Richard desde el pasado y planea dominar Andromeda.
Matilde mejor amiga de Emma, fue encontrada después que su pueblo fuera saqueado y no recuerda quienes eran sus padres, (tiene premoniciones) por lo que será buscada.
Abbigail trabajadora de Andromeda y siente algo más hacia Adam.

Poco a poco iré subiendo más de esta historia que estoy comenzando a escribir.


domingo, 7 de septiembre de 2014

¡Feliz cumpleaños a mi!

Ahora que ya cumplí los 24 años de edad me doy cuenta que ya no quiero crecer, no porque cada vez sea mayor, si no porque conlleva a más responsabilidades.

Cuando era niña quería tener 20 años, ser grande para hacer muchas cosas pero ahora que tengo esa edad no la quiero, si me preguntan que edad quisiera vivir por siempre, no tendría duda en contestar los 10 años, para mi fue mi etapa que más disfrute, fui feliz y no tenía preocupaciones pero lástima que no se pueda. 
Decir que tienes 24, son 24 añotes, por ahí escribi que me pesa la edad, ya no quiero crecer y es verdad, pronto llegarán más responsabilidades, trabajos e independencia y sobre todo encararte al mundo real, ¿será el síndrome de Peter pan? No lo sé, tal vez si, después de todo ¿qué tiene de malo ser niño toda tu vida?


viernes, 5 de septiembre de 2014

Globalization and social networks in World Cup 2014

Only during the group stage of the World Cup mentions in Facebook totaled over 1,000 million, or a sporting event of any other category, according to the news center of the social network had never happened.
The World Cup final between Germany and Argentina produced 32.1 million of 280 million tweets and Facebook interactions. However, the peak of the social network occurred during the match between Brazil and Germany lost 7-1 to the host, generating 35.6 million tweets, becoming its own in the most discussed in the history of sports event in Twitter .
Brazil 2014 "is the first event that is already with all this wave of social networks and devices, four years of technology are many years and that's what has primarily made ​​this world has been so widespread," said Gonzalo Rojón, technology analyst at consultancy the CIU.
In addition to increased internet penetration, another factor is the spirit of the event. "Football is a social phenomenon that generates many passions, many black and white, is suitable to be debated and discussed in the nets," said Dr Maria Elena Meneses, ITESM researcher and specialist in technology.
If in addition to watching the game on TV, you had the phone or the computer at hand, you are not alone, that's the new way this World Cup lived: on multiple screens, "became something different, the same programs discuss where the sports event are sending tweets, there is an interaction with social networks, this virtuous circle made ​​more people could see and enjoy another way, they could comment, " said Rojón.


jueves, 4 de septiembre de 2014

globalization and social networks

The relationship between globalization and social networks is that people and companies can expand their knowledge, products, goods, services, markets, etc. Now the social networks allow us to go further thanks to the greatest invention of mankind: The Internet.

The boom of social networks like facebook, twitter, my space, youtube etc. is achieving the relationship between man, technology and business intertwine. Today, places far removed geographically are so interconnected that what happens at the local level in a place depends on events that occur elsewhere, in a place depends on events that occur in other places away hundreds or thousands of miles. 

 It could be said that the construction of social networks existed since man develops his ability to relate and these social networking groups where people relate to each other are created and are shaping fields of action.   

If you want more information, please check This page 


miércoles, 3 de septiembre de 2014

globalization and trade work

This a video about the relationship between globalization and trade around the world. 

Gives general picture of international commerce, shows THE important of foreigh trade to THE american economy and recognazing THE problems of all people in a world so closely tied together. Also about transport, technology, movies and money. 


martes, 2 de septiembre de 2014

globalization and films

Recently I read the article that say The Film is a tool that helps globalization exists. Helps cultures are expanded worldwide and logically, the larger culture will be the most popularity in the movies. Normally what more is usually followed are the clothes and the way they behave.For now the film is most commonly seen and took is the American culture and seems that we like to see things that are not of our country and can not serve as an icon at any given time. And because of that then friends start to fix and goes globalizing style. 
film is in a phase of increasingly rapid growth in others words mass moves in the contemporary world so it is a showcase of globalization. 

But in the course of recent decades, and decisively since the 90s under the effect of different phenomena such as the fall of the Berlin wall, the development of digital technology Clearly this phenomenon affects the organization of film, historically structured national cinemas. It particularly affects the most powerful most dynamic film more in line, and with this evolution, what we call Hollywood.
Today appoints the dominant cinema in the era of globalization. This is the same name of globalization within the scope of the show Hollywood, from now designates more and more production machines of a globalized imaginary, ie, structured according to the interests of a global market.

for a moment think of a movie that moves or is moved masses example of globalization? 

if you want to read more on this topic I recommend this page 


Welcome to my blog

Hello this is my blog here I will write on the subject of globalization in my English class.

Globalization will relate various topics such as film, music, literature, social networks (and the world), television and treding topic. 

Welcome! :D


Recordando los 90s

El fin de semana pasado vi que en la televisión estaban pasando la película de los Power Rangers y de pronto tuve nostalgia de aquellas series de televisión que vimos de niños, exactamente en la época de los 90s. ¿Quién no se acuerda de esos canales como Fox Kids? 
Tales programas eran (algunos): 
Sailor Moon
Angela Anaconda
Dientes de lata
Tres Espías sin limite 
La Familia Adams
Los tres chiflados
El colegio del agujero negro
Ciencia Traviesa
Las aventuras de Shirley Holmes
Que raro
Super cerdita
Los 4 fantásticos
Cuentos de la Cripta
Tortugas Ninja
El mundo de Bobby
X men

Puedo decir que haber visto estos programas en aquella época ahora me hacen valorar la oportunidad que tuve de verlos y más nostalgia de lo que se fue, ¿porqué no son así los programas o caricaturas de ahora? 

Ahora si hablando en concreto, quiero hablar y recordarles la serie mega popular POWER RANGERS, ¿quién no la vio? Era la serie por excelencia de los 90. Todo niño y niña quería ser un ranger, yo quería ser la pink ranger, incluso tenía mi casco rosa.


Hola otra vez

He tenido algo abandonado mi blog pero prometo que pronto me pondré al corriente para ir publicando las cosas que me gustan, que quiero recomendar o escribir, así que vengó renovada! 😄


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