martes, 30 de septiembre de 2014

Acquisition and development of communication and language

The big difference between humans and other animal species is the ability to use symbols: man is the only one able to produce and use symbols. And that ability is not related exclusively to the much more complex neurodevelopment in humans but also in social interaction, which has resulted in humans can develop a cultural environment, which will turn in their usual environment.

Any culture depends symbol system established to maintain communication between individuals who are part of the same; form the basis for the transmission of knowledge. In short, without the symbol there would be culture.

The primary relationship between the human capacity for symbolization and language development within the process of humanization, is derived from the fact that articulated speech is the most important form of symbolic expression, although it is not the only one to use being human, as Gallardo and Gallego (1995) note.

Through articulate language man has been able to accumulate and transmit knowledge acquired, from generation to generation. 

It is from the ontogenetic perspective from which the acquisition and development of communication and language in every human being is addressed. As with the study of language in any of its various aspects, also follow each theoretical framework will offer a different explanatory model. However, at a general level allowed a series of explanatory data, such as that at birth the human being has a neurological basis able to allow phonation, as well as being able to use lexical and semantic rules. It also supports, by most specialists as Gallardo and Gallego (1995) note that the acquisition and development of language is:

· Learning to blend phonemes, words and sentences comprehensible to others sequences.

· Know and share the meanings produced by a particular sociocultural linguistic community.

· Access the use of grammatical rules that conventionally structured relationships between form and function in language.

Also, as highlighted Seron and Aguilar (1992), when analyzing the development of language is essential to consider three basic aspects:

1 The formal aspect: correct use of signs and proper structuring into larger units.

2. semantic aspects: the processes through which they acquire meaning words.

3 The functional aspects: language use in order to get progressively adapt and interact in their environment.


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