jueves, 11 de septiembre de 2014

The family face of globalization

It is becoming more common to hear talk of globalization, everyone discusses, mentions and is immersed in it, but How's the family? What is your role in this era of globalization? The word globalization was coined to describe a current reality in which all peoples, nations, cultures and religions between cross, lie at the same time, economic and sociological situations become universal, ie common to all. 

 The phenomenon of globalization is not new, it is a product of the historical evolution of the world and its inhabitants. Globalization is a social phenomenon that expresses a uniform accelerated trend cultures, rights, politics, economics, communications ... People are increasingly close to each other, not only physically (as the travel time is shortened) but also now the information arrives in real time and immediate communication between people from different continents is established; seems that there was already limits, boundaries seem to disappear. 

 Under these circumstances, families worry more and more to integrate into the globalization of the best way to reduce (digital, economic, cultural ...) gap, it seeks to be fashionable and have the latest technology, not left behind and also not to feel excluded. 

But all this explosion and desire to have things and receive what globalization primarily through the media is presenting, often means that families forget something essential: Learning to use what globalization offers. 

 Wanted to have everything and stay ahead, do what others do, even forgetting their roots, their own culture and history itself; inculturation confused with acculturation.The person: Given this urgent process of globalization that is positive in its principles, in practice many times degradation processes where objects have importance and power few, forgetting the main actor in globalization are hidden.

 All these changes in the way of appreciating the more that people thing, foster the individual becomes just another object, which is worth as far as it is productive and useful, as it comes to value a human being by do, forgetting self. This is where the family plays a major role. 

The family unit of society, must be able to train and bring its members into the very foundation of life, being a person, not simply individual more. It is within the family that can strengthen the true values​​, where each of its members, from the initial age, begins to learn how to interact with the world and with others. 

That's why the family plays a very important role, as to the extent that it is taught to live with others in a healthy way, respecting differences and each assuming its own responsibility, contact with the real world will correspondence, without overvaluing some and devalue others.


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